Kennel Free Overnight Boarding

Overnight Boarding

Dogs relaxing in a car bed
Dogs socializing during after-hours
Dogs sleeping on a car bed

Bring your dog to K-9 Kingdom’s KENNEL-FREE Overnight Boarding Facility

Overnight boarding at K-9 Kingdom is like a big slumber party for your dog and their friends. We will pamper and play with your pet so they enjoy their kennel-free boarding experience. At night, they sleep on their choice of a toddler car bed or a cot, wherever they choose, in the company of our caring staff members all night long.  They will never be in a kennel or left alone in the building. Our boarding is their home-away-from-home while you are away. Sure, your dog misses you when they’re boarding, but we make sure they have a great time and we think they miss us and their friends when you come pick them up and take them home.

Staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Dropoff and Pickup Hours are available 7 days a week from 7 am – 7 pm

(Regular check out 7 am – 10 am; late pickup additional fee)

Make your reservation now! (Trial day required, right side in the gold box on the home page)

$50 / overnight, includes dog daycare
$40 / overnight for additional dogs in the same family

Required before boarding

  • New Dog trial
  • Required vaccinations: Rabies, Bordetella (known as Kennel Cough), and Distemper/Hepatitis/Leptospirosis/Parainfluenza/Parvovirus (DHLPP or DHPP + Lepto)
  • Required preventatives: Year-round Heartworm, Year-round Flea, Annual fecal sample
  • Suggested vaccinations: Canine Influenza, Coronavirus, Lyme Disease